The Sims 4 – All pregnancy cheats and pregnancy tips

the sims 4 all pregnancy cheats

If you are looking to expand your family in The Sims 4, pregnancy cheats can make things a lot easier. These have numerous different functions, such as determining the speed of pregnancy and the number of babies born.

Unfortunately, pregnancy cheats aren’t quite as straightforward as they used to be. In fact, some players will not be able to use them at all. Nonetheless, our Sims 4 pregnancy guide will confirm the relevant information for all players.

Here is everything you need to know about pregnancy cheats in the Sims 4. In the event you cannot use the cheats, we’ve also got everything covered about the pregnancy in the Sims 4 without cheats.

Can you use pregnancy cheats in The Sims 4?

Pregnancy cheats have been disabled by EA, but they can still be used on PC with mods. Unfortunately, this means it is impossible to use pregnancy cheats on consoles.

If you are playing on PC and have the necessary mod, the available pregnancy cheats in the Sims 4 enable the following:

  • Speed up the pregnancy
  • Select how many babies you want
  • Choose the gender of the baby

Note that there is no cheat to actually get your Sim pregnant in the first place, but this is relatively straightforward, and we’ll cover it below.

We’ll also cover each of these pregnancy cheats further down, but first you’ll need the mod.

How to reactivate pregnancy cheats in The Sims 4 on PC

To use the pregnancy cheats, you will require a mod to reactivate them. The most popular mod for this is called AllCheats and was created by TwistedMexi in 2018. This mod is widely used and works with the expansions of the Sims 4.

It can be downloaded here, completely free of charge.  There are also basic instructions of how to install it, which are simple enough to follow.

Once installed, pregnancy cheats will be reactivated and you can utilise them as normal. Our full instructions for each cheat can be found further down.


How to get pregnant in The Sims 4

Regardless of whether you are playing on PC or console, you will have to do things the old-fashioned way to get pregnant.

You get pregnant by having your Sims engage in WooHoo and selecting the ‘Try for Baby’ option.

This option will not appear unless the two Sims have a sufficiently strong romantic relationship, generally somewhere around 50% on the Relationship metre. They will also have to be in a formal relationship to try for a baby.

It is impossible to get accidentally pregnant – you must select ‘Try for Baby’ to have a baby.

If you choose ‘Try for Baby’, this still isn’t guaranteed but the odds are very high. 80% of time, the Sim will get pregnant.

Note that one of the Sims must be able to ‘Become Pregnant and one of the Sims must be able to ‘Get Others Pregnant’ in order for the option to appear. By default, male characters will be able to get others pregnant and female characters will be able to become pregnant, but these settings can actually be changed in Gender Customization Options.

NOTE: You can only have 8 Sims per household. If you have reached the cap, the option to ‘Try for Baby’ will not appear.

Cheat to speed up pregnancy in the Sims 4

To speed up the pregnancy a little, or simply skip through it altogether, there are a few cheats that will come in handy.

First, you must enable the cheats:

  • Use CTRL + Shift + C to open the Cheat Box
  • Type in ‘testingcheats true’

This simply activates the possibility of the pregnancy cheats.

Then, reopen the cheat box with CTRL + Shift + C and input the following, depending on what you want:

  • Enter the first trimester: add_buff buff_Pregnancy_Trimester1
  • Enter the second trimester: add_buff buff_Pregnancy_Trimester2
  • Enter the third trimester: add_buff buff_Pregnancy_Trimester3
  • Instantly induce labour: sims.add_buff buff_Pregnancy_InLabor

Once you have entered the cheat, click on the Sim in question and the cheat will be applied to them immediately.

Obviously if you want the baby instantly, go with the latter option. Otherwise, you can speed up the pregnancy by selecting a later trimester and retaining a little bit of excitement and suspense for the new arrival.

the sims 4 baby gender

Cheat to have twins or triplets in the Sims 4

You can also use a cheat to determine the number of babies that come from the pregnancy. A Sim can only have up to three babies in one pregnancy. If you want more than three, you’ll have to get the Sim pregnant again.

As above, you must have enabled the cheats with these steps:

  • Use CTRL + Shift + C to open the Cheat Box
  • Type in ‘testingcheats true’

Then, you will need to get your Sim’s unique ID:

  • Enter ‘sims.get_sim_ID_by_name (Sim full name)’ into the cheat box
  • Whilst entering the above, replace (Sim full name) with the Sim’s full name, without the brackets
  • This will give you the Sim’s unique ID number, which you will need to note down

Now cheats are enabled and the Sim’s unique ID is known, you can proceed to enter the relevant cheat in the Cheat console:

  • Twins: force_offspring_count (SimID) 2
  • Triplets: force_offspring_count (SimID) 3
  • In both cases, replace (SimID) with the Sim’s actual ID number, without the brackets

This will guarantee you the number of baby Sims you want.

Cheat to choose your baby’s gender in The Sims 4

There isn’t exactly a cheat specific to babies, but you can alter the gender of the baby in the same way you would do it to any other Sim.

This can only be done after they are born. Once your Sim has given birth, follow these instructions:

  • Open the cheat console with CTRL + Shift + C
  • Type “cas.fulleditmode”
  • Press Shift and click on the baby
  • You will then be able to edit their gender in the ‘Create a Sim’ menu

If you have multiple babies, you will have to change each one individually to get the genders you want.


How to choose the baby’s gender without cheats

Whilst it’s not as simple as entering a cheat, there is a way to influence the baby’s gender without them.

For some reason, the behaviour of the pregnant Sim has a significant impact on your chances. Depending on what you want, have the pregnant Sim do the following:

  • Boy: Eat carrots AND listen to Alternative music
  • Girl: Eat strawberries AND listen to Pop music

If you regularly perform the actions according to what you want, this will give your baby Sim a much higher chance of being the gender you want. However, it doesn’t provide an absolute guarantee so you may still end up with the other one.

The music is easy, as you can simply put the appropriate type on a stereo within the room they are occupying, or use earbuds whilst on the go.

As for the food, this shouldn’t be too hard either. You can either buy them from stalls, or get them within packs. Strawberries often come in the Fruit Seed Packets and carrots will appear in the Vegetable Seed Packets.

the sims 4 baby

Can you make your Sim have twins or triplets without cheats?

Unfortunately, you cannot guarantee twins or triplets without cheats, meaning console players will simply have to settle for the odds within the game.

It’s impossible for a Sim to have more than three children, and the chances of each scenario are as follows:

  • Single Child – 89% chance
  • Twins – 10% chance
  • Triplets – 1% chance

There is no way to increase these odds for each individual pregnancy – you’ll just have to keep trying.

Can you speed up pregnancy without cheats in the Sims 4?

Like the above, there’s also no way to speed up a pregnancy without cheats so your Sim will be stuck going through all three trimesters before giving birth.

There is also no way of inducing instant labour, so you will simply have to wait it out and see what you have.

Why aren’t my Sims getting pregnant?

If your Sims aren’t getting pregnant and the option ‘Try for Baby’ isn’t appearing, then it will be for one of the following reasons:

  • You have 8 Sims in your household – this is the cap, so you cannot try for a baby without someone moving out
  • You are not in a relationship – the Sims must be Dating, Engaged or Married to try for a baby together
  • Your relationship is not strong enough. The Relationship meter should be over half-way up
  • The Sims pregnancy settings are wrong – one Sim must be able to ‘Become Pregnant’ and one must be able to ‘Get Others Pregnant’. Check these are accurate within the settings.
  • Bad luck – this is unlikely, since the odds are hugely stacked in your favour. As long as the ‘Try for Baby’ option appears, then you should get a baby within 2 or 3 attempts

the sims 4 how to get pregnant


There are lots of things to bear in mind when it comes to pregnancy in the Sims 4, and the important bits largely depend on your platform.

Essentially, on PC you will need to install a simple mod, upon which time you’ll have a lot of discretion over your Sim’s new baby.

On consoles, there aren’t as many options available but at least some things remain within your control. Pregnancy itself remains fairly easy, and there is also a large possibility of determining the baby’s gender.

There you have it. All The Sims 4 pregnancy cheats, plus everything you need to know about how to get Sims pregnant without cheats. For more tips and guides for The Sims 4, check out the articles below.