Persona 5 Royal – Kasumi confidant guide (Faith Arcana)

persona 5 royal kasumi

Kasumi Yoshizawa is one of the new confidants added to Persona 5 Royal. She gets an awesome introduction during the prologue section, coming to Joker’s aid in the casino. Our Kasumi confidant guide will have everything to help you get to know this new character well.

Kasumi is an Honor student adept at gymnastics, and has proven a highly popular addition to the story. Not only does she have some great bonding events and cutscenes, but she can also become a playable character in the latter part of the game.

This confidant arc is unique in many ways, but we’ve got everything you need below. Here’s our Persona 5 Royal Kasumi confidant guide to help you max the Faith confidant, and romance her if you wish. Note that this guide is completely SPOILER-FREE as much as possible. However, there are big unavoidable spoilers in the dialogue choice sections for ranks 6-10, so avoid these if you have not reached this part of the game.

How to unlock Kasumi confidant in Persona 5 Royal

This one’s easy. Kasumi is automatically unlocked on 5/30 during a story event. Joker will meet her on the school trip to the park and trigger the Faith Arcana.

Remember Kasumi only appears in Persona 5 Royal. You can only miss her if you’re playing the vanilla version of Persona 5.

How to progress Kasumi confidant past Rank 5

The interesting thing about the Faith confidant is that it will initially appear to be maxed out at rank 5. This is only temporary, and you can indeed progress Kasumi to confidant rank 10 like all of the other confidents.

Without venturing into any spoilers, you must complete the following steps:

  • Reach confidant Rank 5 for Kasumi by 12/18
  • Reach confidant Rank 9 for Maruki before 11/18 (level 10 for Maruki is then unlocked automatically on this date)

Once you have done these, you will unlock a new semester which is unique to Persona 5 Royal, and on 1/9 there will be a story event that unlocks Kasumi’s further confidant ranks.

From 1/13 onwards you can progress her confidant arc as normal up to the maximum of 10.

kasumi introduction persona 5 royal

How to romance Kasumi

Kasumi doesn’t have any unique conditions to make her a romantic partner.

Like all romanceable female confidants, Joker will be presented with a dialogue choice during the event that leads to rank 9, which will determine whether she becomes a romantic partner or simply a friend.

The choice will be obvious – pick the romantic option and Joker will enter a relationship with Kasumi, even if you’ve already done the same with other confidants.

Best Faith Personas to equip for Kasumi confidant

A key consideration for any confidant in Persona 5 Royal is that dialogue choices will progress the confidant arc faster when you have a persona of the same Arcana.

There are a few exceptions to this rule (like the Twin Wardens, Sae and Yoshida) but Kasumi is not one of them. Always have a Faith persona with you when you complete her confidant bond events. If you don’t have one, get the cheapest one available from the compendium in the Velvet Room.

Here’s a list of the possible Faith personas:

  • Phoenix (Level 21)
  • Tam Lin (Level 27)
  • Unicorn (Level 39)
  • Okuninushi (Level 54)
  • Orichalcum (Level 60)
  • Atavaka (Level 65)
  • Cu Chulainn (Level 76)
  • Siegfried (Level 84)

The majority of these are obtained from fusions, so use this Fusion Calculator to find the best persona mix. Once you have fused Phoenix or Tam Lin, you can always summon one of these from the compendium for relatively cheap.

p5r intro

Skills unlocked by Faith Confidant

Like all confidants, progressing her arc will result in a series of gameplay rewards. These are the skills and abilities learnt from the Kasumi confidant.

Rank 2: Tumbling – Allows you to avoid being surrounded by enemies in Palaces.

Rank 4: Chaines Hook – Allows you to ambush from a distance by attacking with the grappling hook.

Rank 6: Follow Up – Chance to perform a follow-up attack if Joker’s attack does not down the enemy.

Rank 6: Fitness Talk – If negotiation with any kind of Shadow fails, you can try again.

Rank 7: Harisen Recovery – Chance to cure status ailments inflicted upon party members.

Rank 8: Endure – Chance to withstand an otherwise fatal attack with 1 HP remaining.

Rank 9: Protect – Chance to shield Joker from an otherwise fatal attack.

Rank 10: Second Awakening – Transforms Persona into a mythological trickster.

Joker will also gain 5 HP from his hangouts with Kasumi, along with the usual EXP boost to Faith persona fusions.

kasumi confidant guide

All dialogue choices for Persona 5 Royal Kasumi Confidant Guide

Here are all of the relevant dialogue choices for the Kasumi confidant arc. Remember to always equip a persona of the Faith arcana whenever you hang out with her. If you don’t have one, visit the Velvet Room and get the cheapest one from the compendium.

NOTE: Points assume a persona of the Faith Arcana. If you do not have one, your reward may be one point less.

Rank 1 dialogue choices

This automatically triggers on 5/30 and none of the dialogue choices make any difference during this event. You can pick whatever you think is best with no pressure.

faith confidant guide p5r

Rank 2 dialogue choices

“It’s all about the harmony between the internal and external oblique muscles… I can’t get enough of it!”

Best Answers: “We’re just getting started” and “I’m so done with this” both give +2 points.

“I’m actually not doing so great at the moment, so I’m not sure I could manage anything too strenuous.”

Best Answer: “Next time, then” for +2 points.

The next three dialogue choices have no impact, until the sixth and final dialogue choice (over the phone):

“I was so relieved, I suddenly got really hungry… and then my stomach wouldn’t stop growling in my meeting.”

Best Answer: “Impressive” for +2 points.

p5r faith confidant dialogue choices

Rank 3 dialogue choices

“And I figured something out! It’s this!”

Best Answer: “Making bento?” for +3 points.

“I made this specifically with your body type in mind, and knowing how much you exercise… Do you want it?”

Best Answers: “I’m touched!” and “It looks delicious” both give +2 points.

“Let’s dig in!”

Best Answer: “Is that all for you?” for +3 points.

“Senpai? You okay? Your eyes are glazing over…”

Best Answer: “It’s definitely unique” for +2 points.

The next three dialogue choices make no difference, until the dialogue:

“I’m so embarrassed… I thought it was so great when I presented it to you, and now…”

Best Answers: All answers here actually give +3 points.

The final dialogue choice over the phone makes no difference.

kasumi rank 3

Rank 4 dialogue choices

“I’ve been wanting to come here for a while, but I never had the chance to drop by.”

Best Answer: “You’re looking to buy?” for +2 points.

“Wow, those really work for you! You look so cool! What do you think?”

Best Answer: “A pretty modern look.”

“This could be a good one… Hmm…”

Best Answer: No points available.

“But your input’s been really helpful so far! Would you mind poking around with me for a bit longer?”

Best Answer: “Of course” For +2 points.

“A lot of them are good, but none of them have really clinched it for me yet…”

Best Answer: No points available.

“I don’t know how to describe it. It just seems perfect for my dad somehow.”

Best Answer: “Good choice” for +2 points.

“I ended up with a great present. All thanks to you, senpai!”

Best Answer: No points available.

“The more I thought about it, the more… empty I felt. Like I wasn’t even me anymore.”

Best Answer: “Everyone deals with that” for +2 points

“And having your support makes me even more determined to make that happen.”

Best Answer: “We’ll work at it together” for +2 points

“And it suits him even better than I imagined! He was so happy with them!”

Best Answers: “I’m glad to hear that” and “You should be more confident” both give +2 points

persona 5 royal kasumi confidant guide

Rank 5 dialogue choices

“Probably didn’t expect to be meeting me at the batting center, huh?”

Best Answer: “It’s a surprise, yeah” for +2 points.

“Honestly, I wanted you to see me hit a home run.”

Best Answer: No points available.

“What do you think? That could work, right?”

Best Answer: “Go ahead. I’ll watch” for +3 points.

“I never see the ball coming, and I keep flinching… I didn’t think my slump was hitting me this hard…”

Best Answer: No points available.

“I did it, Senpai! I hit the ball!”

Best Answer: “Congratulations” for +3 points.

“I’d forgotten how it felt to work that hard on someone else’s behalf…”

Best Answer: “That’s important” for +3 points.

“I’m not totally back to normal yet, but even my grades have been going back up.”

Best Answer: No points available.

“It’s nice to dip into sports aside from gymnastics. Was there anything else you wanted to try, Senpai?”

Best Answers: All choices give +3 points.

NOTE: From this point on, some serious SPOILERS can be implied if you haven’t progressed this far.

faith confidant guide rank 6

Rank 6 dialogue choices (MASSIVE SPOILERS)

This is an easy one.

None of the dialogue options make any difference until the final one:

“…But this is the real me, I guess.”

Best Answer: “You have to face it” for +3 points.

kasumi confidant persona 5 royal

Rank 7 dialogue choices

The first two choices make no difference, until:


Best Answer: “You okay?” for +3 points.

“I’ll always be someone less than Kasumi. I’m just worthless after all…”

Best Answer: “That isn’t true” for +3 points.

“It sounds like even Kasumi liked my more subtle and delicate moves, so… If I mix it with her aggressive style…”

Best Answer: No points available.

“Senpai, will you go out with me again?”

Best Answer: “Of course” for +3 points

“It didn’t seem like you were struggling at all, though. You might be just as tough as Kasumi… Amazing.”

Best Answer: “I love a good challenge” for +3 points.

p5r kasumi dialogue choices

Rank 8 dialogue choices

“I see. Well, I guess it’s important to have a balanced diet…?”

Best Answer: Walk up to Sumire for +3 points.

“This is sort of like showing off my own style, right!?”

Best Answer: No points available

“I don’t even know if I’m worth showing off, let alone how to do it…”

Best Answer: “Try to stay positive” or “I’m here for you” both give +3 points.

“Senpai… Senpai… Hmm…”

Best Answer: No points available.

“Oh, uh… um… Please don’t stare at me like that.”

Best Answer: No points available.

“Um, what do you think?”

Best Answer: “You look really cute” or “I’m in love” for +3 points.

“I’m so glad I found something good.”

Best Answer: No points available.

“And then, suddenly, I just… realized I wasn’t nervous anymore.”

Best Answer: No points available.

“Even if you didn’t like it… I don’t think that’d change how I feel about it.”

Best Answer: Both answers give +3 points.

“B-By the way, where do you like to get your clothes from, Senpai?”

Best Answer: “The resale shop” or “Online” for +3 points.

kasumi sumire romance choice

Rank 9 dialogue choices

“Sorry for dropping in on you like this. I hope it’s not too much trouble.”

Best Answer: Both answers give +3 points.

“And if you wouldn’t mind, I’d like you to be there when I do… Is that okay?”

Best Answer: Both answers give +3 points.

“I talked about wanting you to see me, and how that helped me stop worrying?”

Best Answer: “Of course I do”

“Even as worthless as I am, I hope I still helped Kasumi somehow…”

Best Answer: All answers give +3 points.

“Th-There’s something I need to tell you, Senpai!”

Best Answer: “Go ahead” for +3 points.

“I’m in lo… l-l-lo… I’m in… lo…”

Best Answer: No points available.

“Um, but… The last thing I want to do is make you uncomfortable, so…”

THIS CHOICE IS IMPORTANT: “Let’s stay friends, okay?” will result in friendship and “I love you too” will result in a romantic relationship.

If you stay friends:

“Just watch me and I promise I’ll keep improving!”

Best Answer: “I can’t wait to see it” and “You can always rely on me” both give +3 points.

“I really think I’ve matured. And I’m really glad for your part in that, Senpai.”

Best Answer: “I’m glad to hear that” for +3 points.

If you choose romance:

“Oh… what am I saying…?”  

Best Answer: “Calm down” for +3 points.


Best Answer: “You’re so cute” for +3 points.

“It feels as if I’m constantly riding a rollercoaster… I don’t know what to do!”

Best Answer: “Get used to it” for +3 points.

kasumi confidant rank 10

Rank 10 dialogue choices

Note: these choices don’t actually matter – you will max out the confidant even if you get all of these answers wrong.

Friendship route

None of the choices have any points available until:

“I genuinely can’t thank you enough.”

Best Answer: All choices give +3 points.

“It’ll be you and me… and Kasumi. All three of us taking on the world as a team!”

Best Answer: “Bring it on”

Romance route

None of the choices have any points available except:

“…as well as discovering what’s most important to me while performing.”

Best Answer: “Is it someone you love?”

“That’s why I want to turn this world back to how it used to be. I want to keep my promise with her.”

Best Answer: All answers give +3 points.

kasumi how to romance

Which gifts to give Kasumi

If you’re stuck in a position where Kasumi is available but her rank cannot be progressed, then you’ll need to either spend some extra time with her, or use the Fortune confidant Chihaya to raise affection for a price. If you are hanging out with her, the best gifts are:

Gifts that give 3 affection points

Mini Cactus – bought from flower shop in Underground Mall for 1,600 yen

Bath of Roses – bought from flower shop in Underground Mall for 3,200 yen

Crimson Lipstick – bought from Body Chop in Underground Mall for 6,000 yen

Rose Bouquet – bought from flower shop in Shinjuku (night time) for 2,400 yen

Face Beautifier – bought from Electronics shop in Akihabara for 9,800 yen

Designer Perfume – bought in the cosmetics shop in Underground Mall for 7,800 yen

Heart Ring – bought in jewellery shop in Underground Mall for 88,000 yen (only if romance route was picked)

Gifts that give 2 affection points

Sakura Fan – bought from sundries shop in Underground Mall for 4,800 yen

All-purpose Vitamins – bought from Rocinante in Shibuya for 4,500 yen

Local Mascot Set – bought from otaku shop in Akihabara for 3,600 yen

Black Mug – bought from general store in Shinjuku for 1,800 yen

Star Mirror – bought from general store in Shinjuku for 4,000 yen

Flower Basket – bought from flower shop in Shinjuku at Night for 2,400 yen

Weights Set – bought from Next Ace Sports Store in Underground mall for 12,000 yen

Sports Sunglasses – bought from Next Ace Sports Store in Underground mall for 12,000 yen

And that’s everything you need to know.

Hopefully our Persona 5 Royal Kasumi confidant guide has given you everything you need to progress one of the best confidants in the game to its conclusion.