Minecraft – How to make a bed without sheep

minecraft sheep

Every home needs a nice comfy bed, and Minecraft is no different. If you are building any sort of house, a bed is likely one of the first things you’ll want as you shelter from the elements. But a problem can arise when you need to make a Minecraft bed without sheep.

To make a bed, players will require some Wool and some Planks of wood. The most common source of W0ol is sheep, but sometimes you can get unlucky and spawn in an area without them. If this is the case, you’ll need to source your wool elsewhere.

Thankfully, there are numerous ways to obtain Wool without sheep, enabling you to make your bed. We’ve got all of the main methods covered below. Here’s how to make a bed without sheep in Minecraft.

How to get Wool without Sheep in Minecraft

There are actually quite a few ways to get your all-important Wool without Sheep. You can either find it in certain places, or you can collect String, which can be crafted into Wool.

Four String can be crafted into one Wool, which will get you one step closer to crafting your bed.

Note that String will always be crafted into White Wool, so if you want your bed a different colour you will also need to get your hands on some dye.

Here’s all the different ways to find Wool or String, allowing you to make your Minecraft bed without sheep:

Find Wool or String in chests

Wool and String can both be looted from chests. If you get the Wool from the outset, that saves you the hassle of crafting the String into Wool.

Wool can be found in a Shepherd’s Chest in Villages, and comes as a semi-common loot ranging from 23.3% to 55.8% depending on the colour.

As for String, this can be found in a wide variety of chests. It appears fairly often (ranging from 24.4% to 59%) from chests in Dungeons, Bastion Remnants, Desert Temples, Pillager Outposts and Woodland Mansions.

minecraft how to make a bed without wool

Obtain String from Spiders

If you can’t find any Sheep, then your next option is to search for Spiders instead. They basically spawn anywhere dark, including outside at night-time.

If you are searching for them in the day, go to caves and underground areas. Otherwise, you can simply roam around anywhere outside after dark and you’ll probably stumble across some of these. Beware – they will attack on sight during the dark.

Spiders drop String when defeated, and 4 String can be crafted into a piece of Wool. Since 3 Wool is required for a bed, this means 12 String will be enough for your bed.

A Spider can drop up to 2 String as standard, and up to 5 String if you have the Looting III enchantment.

Wool spawns in certain locations

Wool can be found out in the world without Sheep if you know where to look. It actually spawns naturally within certain biomes. You can find it in these places:

  • Woodland Mansions
  • Meeting points, Shepherd houses and Fletcher houses within Villages
  • Tents of Pillager Outposts
  • On the walls of an Ancient City

You’ll notice that Wool can also be found in the chests within some of these places, so Pillager Outposts, Shepherd houses and Woodland Mansions are the best place to start if you are trying to make a bed without Wool in Minecraft.

minecraft cobwebs how to get wool

Obtain String from Cobwebs

Even if Spiders prove elusive in your Minecraft world, you can find Cobwebs instead. These appear in many places, such as mineshafts, abandoned villages, woodland mansions, igloo basements and stronghold libraries.

You have two choices here – obtain Cobwebs as an item and craft them into String, or destroy the Cobwebs for String to be dropped.

Gather Cobwebs for crafting by using Shears or a weapon with the Silk Touch enchantment.

Destroy Cobwebs for dropped String by striking it with a sword. Alternatively, cobwebs are destroyed if they pushed with a piston or if water flows over them.

One Cobweb can be crafted into one String, and thankfully places with Cobwebs usually have a lot of them hanging around so you can easily accumulate a lot of String.

If Spiders and Sheep are nowhere to be found, Cobwebs are your best bet for finding lots of String in Minecraft.

Obtain Wool from villagers

You can also trade with apprentice-level shepherds, who have a 28.6% chance of trading some Wool for an Emerald.

Also, villagers may give you Wool for free if the Hero of the Village effect is active. This free Wool is always worth getting, but trading for an Emerald is probably ill-advised given how many other ways are out there without the need to waste any of your items.

gifts from cats

Gain String as a gift from tamed Cats

Cats aren’t exactly known for being the friendliest animals, but in Minecraft they are likely to give you a gift in certain circumstances.

Tame a cat by giving them a Raw Cod or Raw Salmon, and once tamed they will usually give you a gift when they sleep with you in a bed.

Obviously the whole dilemma here is about making a bed, so this advice may be useless. However, if you do happen to already have access to a bed, sleep at night with a tamed cat nearby and they have around a 1 in 6 chance of giving you String when you wake up. This is also quite laborious as you’ll need 12 String for your bed.

The other, less dignified option is to attack the Cats, as they drop 0-2 String when they are killed.

Catch String whilst fishing

You can actually snag some string from fishing as well, but this is not the best method. The odds of catching string from your Rod range from 0.3% to 0.6% depending on your Luck of the Sea enchantment level.

Even the best odds aren’t great, so you are better off using this as a last resort.

minecraft how to make a bed without sheep

Keep looking for Sheep

Sheep commonly spawn in grassy areas, so don’t completely write off the possibility they are out there in your world somewhere.

Keep your eye out for any large grassy fields you haven’t seen before, and you may just find the Sheep you need to shear some wool or start a Sheep farm.

How to make a bed without Sheep in Minecraft

Once you’ve got the wool, making the bed itself is the easy part. Overall, you will require 3 Wool of the same colour, and 3 Planks of Wood.

You cannot mix and match different coloured wool – they must all be the same colour. However, the wooden Planks can be mixed and matched with different Plank colours.

Open the crafting menu and put the 3 matching Wool in the row above 3 Planks construct your bed. You can either do it in the way it is pictured below, or put the Wool in the middle row and the Planks in the bottom row.

minecraft how to make a bed

The bed will get its colour from the Wool you use, and the planks used also affect the colour of the bed frame.

Change the colour of the bed by adding Dye of the colour you want. If you only have White Wool and are short on dye, you are better off creating the bed first and then dying it afterwards rather than dying all three pieces of Wool first.

There you have it. That’s how to make a bed without Sheep in Minecraft. Hopefully these tips will help you get snug as a bug at night time and during thunderstorms. For more Minecraft tips, check out the articles below: