How to use the Fairy Bottle in Super Smash Bros

smash bros how to use fairy bottle

The Fairy Bottle is an invaluable item that can appear during a hard-fought Super Smash Bros battle. It made its debut in Super Smash Bros on the Wii U, and has been retained for Super Smash Bros Ultimate as well as Super Smash Bros on the 3DS.

Unfortunately, it is not immediately obvious how to use this item, and many players have undoubtedly ended up picking up and throwing the Fairy Bottle repeatedly, perplexed as to what will activate it.

Don’t worry – we’ve got all the answers. Here’s everything you need to know about how to use the Fairy Bottle in Super Smash Bros Ultimate, along with other games in the series. There’s also a couple of handy tips of what to do when the Fairy Bottle appears.

smash bros fairy bottle

How to use the Fairy Bottle in Super Smash Bros

The key to the Fairy Bottle is that it will not activate unless the character has over 100% damage.

If it is picked up by a character on over 100%, then it will reduce damage by 100%. For instance, if you pick it up on 110%, then your damage percentage will be reduced to 10%. If you pick it up on 75%, it will do absolutely nothing.

There is no other button required to activate the Fairy Bottle, it will simply work as soon as you pick it up just like other healing items like a heart container or pumpkin.

If you are holding Fairy Bottle whilst below 100% but take damage that puts you over the 100% threshold, then it will automatically activate and reduce your damage accordingly.

Likewise, if the item is thrown at a character who is over the 100% damage threshold, then it will instantly heal them without them actually needing to pick it up.

If no-one is on 100%+, then the secondary use of the Fairy Bottle is as a modest throwing weapon. Hurl it at an enemy to deal a few percentage points of damage. This causes a slight knockback effect, and does not destroy the item so it can be used repeatedly.

mario thumbs up

Important Tips for the Smash Bros Fairy Bottle

Now you know how to use the Fairy Bottle, there are a handful of key tips that will help you utilise this crucial item to its full potential.

Damage yourself (carefully)

If the Fairy Bottle appears when you are tantalisingly close to the 100% mark, then depending on your character you may wish to damage yourself to reach the threshold.

The most important thing is to be careful not to use a moderate to powerful attack that may inflict a self-KO. Not every character has the option to damage themselves so this will depend on who you’re controlling. However, many characters have the ability to self-damage with grenades, bombs, electric charges and more. Otherwise, you can run off the side of the screen to inflict gradual damage. Do not go too far and ensure no-one else is near you to inflict an easy KO.

This is a particularly useful tactic on large maps like Temple or New Pork City, where you can put some distance between you and your competitors, allowing some time and space to deal the damage needed without the risk of being knocked out by an opponent.

You will then effectively be back to a fresh life, giving yourself a great boost and a great chance of coming out on top.

If it’s useless to you, throw it off the map!

On the other hand, if you are on a low % but you can see one or more of your opponents is on 100%, or somewhere near 100%, then you should not take any chances – the odds you’ll actually need it before them is very slim.

Play it safe and grab the bottle as quickly as you can before hurling it off the map. Do not try and deal any damage with it as it is not worth the risk. If you accidentally throw it at someone who has got 100%+ damage, then it will heal them and infuriatingly reduce them.

When playing against the computer, the AI actually has the same idea when an opponent of theirs is over 100%.

Throw it at a friend in need

If you are playing in a team game, the situation is different again. You may end up in a situation where your teammate requires the item, but it lands nearer to you.

In this case, the safest bet is to pick up the item to stop the other team getting their hands on it. Even if they don’t need it, they could throw it off the edge.

Grab the bottle, and keep it handy until an opportunity presents itself to throw at your teammate and heal them up. Try and use it as quickly as possible to avoid them being knocked out first, but don’t accidentally give it to the other team. This is easier said than done with a vulnerable teammate, so timing is everything.

Where is the Smash Bros Fairy Bottle from?

If you are curious about the origins of the Fairy Bottle, this is one of the many inclusions from the Legend of Zelda series.

A Fairy can heal a significant amount of Link’s help, and can typically be caught and stored in an empty bottle, which then activates to revive Link when he falls in battle.

Like in Super Smash Bros, the Fairy is invaluable and can save the day just when you need it the most.

fairy bottle spirit

Fairy Bottle Spirits

Finally, if you are playing in Spirit Mode, or battling with Spirits permitted, then you have a few options to equip yourself with the Fairy Bottle.

The spirits in question are Fairy Bottle, Sprixie Princesses, Elline, Chansey and Lissa.

All of these spirits cost 1 point, and all have the exact same effect – namely, to have a Spirit Bottle equipped for the battle.

If you are playing as a tankier character that is likely to stay on the map beyond 100%, this is definitely a worthwhile spirit to consider, which will certainly come in handy when the battle is heating up.

That’s everything you need to know about how to use the Fairy Bottle in Super Smash Bros. This item can change the course of battle, so use it wisely!