Apex Legends – How to super glide

apex legends how to super glide

To climb the ranks of Apex Legends, you’ll need to know how to super glide. This advanced technique can get you out of a tight spot by proving a crucial speed boost at just the right time.

Like many of the advanced skills, most high-level Apex Legends players have mastered their mobility, giving them an edge over newbie players. Things like tap strafing and wall bouncing are a great way to out-manoeuvre opponents, and super gliding will undoubtedly be one of the many things in their repertoire.

Though it’s not an easy thing to pick up, it’s definitely possible to master the super glide in Apex Legends. We’ve got the lowdown, and some of our top tips in the super gliding guide below.

Here’s everything you need to know about how to super glide in Apex Legends.

What is a Super Glide in Apex Legends?

A super glide is an advanced manoeuvre that provides a temporary increase to your movement speed immediately after climbing or mantling onto an object. Despite the name, this isn’t to be confused with any aerial gliding move.

If you pull it off, you will execute a mini-jump that propels your character quickly forward, which can be an invaluable technique at certain times. Fast movement makes you harder to hit, and allows you to get out of the clunky end-climb animation much quicker.

This can only be performed by pressing the correct buttons at the exact right time, and many new players struggle with it. Climbing is quite cumbersome in Apex Legends, so super gliding is a way to pick up the pace and get moving as fast as possible.

apex legends super glide

How to super glide in Apex Legends

To actually perform the super glide, follow these instructions:

  • Climb up a ladder or an object that triggers the mantle animation
  • Just before the mantle animation has finished, press Jump and then press Crouch almost immediately
  • Input a direction at the exact same time of the Crouch input (ie, a directional button on keyboard, or moving the joystick on console)
  • If you get it right, your character will be propelled quickly in the direction you selected

Though you will need to input Crouch and the direction at the exact same time, there is a very small leeway with the Jump input beforehand. To be exact, the direction and crouch input should be pressed exactly one frame after the jump input. This is difficult to quantify as the timings will be very slightly different depending on your frame rate.

The exact button combo is therefore:

  • Input 1: Jump, just before the mantle animation finishes
  • Input 2: Crouch and direction, one frame later

You can move in any direction with a super glide, including backwards. It’s likely to take many attempts before you do it deliberately, but most players have probably done it accidentally from time to time.

apex legends firing range

Tips to master the Super Glide in Apex Legends

It’s one thing to know the theory, but another to put it into practice. Here are some of our top tips about the super glide in Apex Legends.

Practice in the Firing Range

The worst thing you can do is start experimenting with the super glide in the heat of a battle, only to execute it poorly and leave yourself as a sitting duck.

Instead, get to the Firing Range and put yourself through the paces with some intense super glide training. There are a few places around the map where you can climb and mantle objects, prompting the mantle animation that will provide the opportunity to super glide.

The only way to get comfortable with the button timing are to do them over and over again until you can execute it most of the time. It’s normal for players to take many hours to master this one, so don’t get too disheartened if it’s not quite clicking immediately.

It’s also a good idea to try super gliding in different directions. The first one to master is probably the forward super glide, but other situations may call for you to strafe either side instead. You can even zig-zag in two different directions during one super glide.

Don’t super glide every time

Once you have nailed the button timings, the next thing is to learn the best times to perform it in real battles.

As useful as the super glide can be, it’s also pretty dangerous in certain situations. If you are up high and climbing onto a small area, a super glide can accidentally throw you over the edge to your doom.

Most of the time, it’s probably a good idea to super glide when you mantle, but a bit of restraint is also needed on other occasions. Holding yourself back when it’s a dangerous move will save you from needless deaths.

super glide controls

Lower frame rate makes it easier

The super glide button combination is tied to the frames.

The Crouch and Direction input have to be performed in the exact same frame, and this must be exactly one frame after the Jump input. This means a lower frame rate gives you a marginally wider window to press the buttons together. You should still aim to get this exactly right, but a bigger margin for error is always welcome in case you slightly mis-time it.

You can even lower your max frame rate to give yourself a better chance. Obviously a lower frame rate comes with some other downsides, but if it’s unavoidable then at least you’ll have a slightly easier time pulling off the super glide. Alternatively, you can lower it whilst you are practicing in the Firing Range and crank it back up when you feel more comfortable.

A super glide is easier on keyboard

The super glide is arguably slightly easier with a keyboard. This is because the crouch and jump buttons must be pressed together, and on a keyboard you can use a different finger for each button.

On a controller, you’ll likely be using the very same thumb to press both buttons at the same time, which is a little harder to pull off with the precision required. Often this will naturally result in a rolling movement that hits one just after the other. The directional input is also a little less precise on a console with the joystick.

Of course, it’s still perfectly possible on console controllers, and you can even remap the controls which may also alleviate the difficulty.


Some Legends super glide better than others

Though the super glide will speed anyone up in Apex Legends, there are numerous characters who also have abilities that increase speed.

These will actually combine with a super glide to make certain Legends even faster when the abilities are activated at the same time a super glide is performed.

Legends like Wraith and Bangalore can be utilised to move even faster with their abilities, giving your opponents a tough time in hitting you – or escaping from you.

That’s all there is to know about the Apex Legends super glide technique. Now you know how to super glide, you’ll need to get practicing if you want to take on the best players. For more Apex Legends content, check out the articles below: