Apex Legends – How to activate dummies and third-person mode

apex legends firing range

Apex Legends has a few Easter Eggs, and one of these enables you to activate the dummies in the Firing Range. To bring the dummies to life, there is a rather convoluted process that must be followed. Once you do so, they will move around and take shots at you!

The dummies don’t necessarily compare to real-life players, but it’s nice to have a training option that’s a little more exciting than static targets. It’s also pretty unnerving to see the dummies moving around and acting hostile, which can be an interesting sight.

Here’s everything you need to know about how to activate the dummies in Apex Legends. We’ll also explain how to activate third person mode, which is also possible in the Firing Range.

How to activate dummies in Apex Legends Firing Range

To activate the dummies in the Firing Range, follow these steps:

1. Whilst in the Firing Range, select Pathfinder, Horizon or Valkyrie (ie, a Legend who can get in the air)

apex legends dummies

2. Go into the cave to the far left as you face outwards towards the Firing Range (or far-right if you are looking towards the caves, as pictured above)

apex legends how to activate bots easter egg

3. Walk all the way into the cave, turn around and look up. You’ll see a narrow platform above you. It’s quite hard to see, but the above picture should confirm where to look

4. Get onto the narrow platform by using a Legend’s ability. Valkyrie is probably the easiest.

5. Drop all of your weapons

apex legends how to activate dummies

6. Once you are on the platform, get in the middle and face the cave entrance. Then crouch and look directly downwards. The picture above shows where to stand, but you will end up looking down so you won’t actually be able to see anything.

7. Open the menu and switch to a different Legend (it doesn’t matter which one)

8. There will be a small clicking sound, which indicates the dummies are now activated

Not only will the dummies now move around, but they’ll actually fire at you and act like real opponents as you venture through the Firing Range.

If you wanted to play as the original Legend you were controlling before you switched, you can just switch back and the dummies will still be operational.

Once activated, the dummies will only come to life for as long as you are in the Firing Range. If you leave, they’ll go back to normal and you will have to follow the above steps again to activate the dummies again.

Why aren’t the dummies activating?

If the Easter Egg is not working, then make sure you have double-checked the following:

  • You have definitely dropped all of your weapons before you switch Legends
  • Ensure you are crouching and looking down at the same time – your screen should effectively be pitch black
  • Make sure you are in the right spot on the platform. This is probably the easiest one to get wrong
  • If you are waiting for the sound, you may have missed it because it isn’t very loud. Go outside and check if the dummies are moving

In the event none of these suggestions work, then finally check online to see if something has been patched. Hopefully not, because at this point the dummies Easter Egg is one of the most famous things in Apex Legends.

apex legends bots

Why activate the dummies in Apex Legends?

The main reason to activate the dummies in the Firing Range is simply to get some better training. Target practice is all well and good, but moving targets who will actually shoot you make for a much more realistic and challenging training session.

There’s no substitute for experience against real players, but it’s also nice to have an option that puts your through your paces with no pressure. Knowing your online statistics won’t be negatively affected, you can try out some different Legends and weapons against some moving enemies.

The dummies are not exactly the most difficult, but can sometimes spring a surprise. Some of the dummies are equipped with the L-STAR, who tend to be the most dangerous by far. They may not be the calibre of pro players, but you shouldn’t underestimate them.

Honestly, we’ve got no idea why this feature is an obscure Easter Egg rather than simply giving players the option to toggle them on and train. It’s also hard to imagine how someone originally figured this out. However, as long as you know the above steps then it isn’t too difficult to activate the dummies whenever you need a bit of practice.

apex legends third person

How to activate third person mode in Firing Range

On the subject of Apex Legends Easter Eggs, the Firing Range has another popular one. You can also activate third-person mode, which completely changes up the experience. The steps are quite similar and just as obscure as the dummies Easter Egg.

To activate third-person mode, follow these steps:

1. Head to the far-right end of the map

third person mode location

2. Climb up the cliffs pictured above (get to the same level as the three targets shown)

third person mode bush location

3. Find a small bush in a corner (pictured above) and stand on top of it

4. Drop all of your weapons

5. Crouch and look directly downwards – the greenery of the bush should basically fill your screen

6. Open the menu and switch Legends

7. A small sound will indicate the Easter Egg has been triggered. When you return to the game, you will be in third-person mode

With this one, it’s obvious if the Easter Egg has worked or not as you will see right away. The controls will operate in the same way and you can still engage in target practice like before. Again, it’s a little strange that this is not a manually-adjustable option and it remains unclear why such lengths are required to play in third-person mode.

This Easter Egg has gone back and forth, and seems more subject to change than the dummies. At one point, the setting would not work unless you killed yourself afterwards. If the steps above fail then you can always try it as a contingency plan.

Third-person mode can only be activated in the Firing Range, and you will be instantly back to the typical first-person when you leave. It is another interesting thing to try out, giving you a chance to see how your Legends look to others.

That’s how to activate the dummies in Apex Legends. By bringing the dummies to life in the Firing Range, you’ll get some solid practice in before taking on real players online. For more Apex Legends tips and guides, check out the articles below: